- February 6- After Russian troops pull out, only Armenian forces remain.
The Turkish assault begins. They conquer Yerzngan, Drabizon, Parpert, Garin
and they advance towards Russian Armenia.
- February 16- SAYM declares peace with Turkey.
- March 3- The treaty of Brest-Litovsk is signed between Germany and the
Soviet Union, giving Gars, Ardahan and Batoum regions to the Turks.
- March 9- SAYM declares the Caucasus independent and starts a new wave of
talks with Turkey.
- March 12- By Chekhengel’s orders, Gars is given to the Turks. This move
angers the Armenians.
- March 23- Turks conquer Sarenghamish.
- April 7-8- After being abandoned by the Georgians and the Azeris, Aram
and Tro leading the Armenian forces engage the Turkish Army in the Ararat
- May 11- New peace negotiations start in Batoum.
- May 15- The Turks conquer Alexandrapole without waiting for a response
to their ultimatum.
Aram Manoukian takes
charge of the Armenian defence forces and unifies the Armenian people to face
the enemy.
- May 24- General Nazarpekian takes the offensive against the Turks.
- May 24-26- The bloody battles of Sardarabad and Gharakilisa.
The Armenian forces give an effective
blow on the enemies. The Armenians were fighting fate determining battles.
Turkey suffered major loses on all the fronts.
- May 26- By Georgia pulling out from SAYM and declaring its independence,
SAYM collapses.
- May 27- Azerbeijan declares itself independent.
- May 23-28- The Armenian forces continue their strikes on the Turkish
forces. The historic battles of Pash Abaran take place. The Turks defeated
on every front start retreating. Under the leadership of Aram; Generals
Nazarpekian, Siligian, Aligian, Araradian, Tro, Ghorganian and others give a
decisive blow to the enemy. These victories open a new chapter for the
The Armenian National
Council by declaring Armenia’s independence, proclaims itself the Republic’s
temporary government. May 28 becomes the birthday of
the Republic of Armenia.
- June 4- A peace treaty is signed between the Republic of Armenia and
Turkey. Armenia is 12,000 km square. Prime Minister Katchazouni forms the
republic’s first government.
- August 1- The start of Armenia’s Constitutional Meeting.
- September 15- After a heroic struggle, Bakoun falls to the Turks. 30,000
Armenians perish and Armenians loose billions of roupli.
- October 21- Lori Pambag region falls in the hands of the Armenians.
- October 24- Turks start retreating from the Trans-Caucasus.
- October 30- The peace treaty of Moudra is signed.
- November 4- The government of Kachazouni is reformed by the
participation of non-partisan representatives and representatives from the
various Armenian parties.
- November 11-18- A General cease-fire is declared. Armenian forces enter
- December 2- The Armenian Army conquers Alexandrapole and annexes it to
the Armenian Republic.
- December 5- Georgian forces take over Akhalkalak and they try to conquer
Armenian Lori.
- December 13- Armenian-Georgian war starts. Armenia wins on all the
fronts and advances towards the Georgian borders.
- December 31- With British intervention the Armenian-Georgian war ends.
The two countries re-establish diplomatic ties.
February 12- The Armenian Republic and the National Delegation draft a
document and present it to the post-WWI peace meeting demanding the creation of
Armenia from sea to sea.
April 24-28- Gars region is given to Armenia and the pre-1914 borders are
May 1- The mineral mines are nationalized.
May 2- The Armenian Army continues its advances and in May 2 takes over the
railways connecting Arpacha and Sarenghamish
May 9- The Armenian Army takes over Mertineng
May 20- Continuing its advances, the Armenian Army enters Nakhichevan.
May 25- The first exhibition displaying the works of Armenian artists opens
in Yerevan.
May 28- The Armenian Government declares the creation of an independent,
united and democratic Armenia.
June 21-23- Parliamentary elections take place.
October 1- The newly elected parliament takes office with Sahakian as the
chairman of the body.
October 5- Khadisian forms a new government.
September 20- The parliament decides to create an Ethnographical and
Anthropological museum.
October 12- In Yerevan a radio station is built.
December 26- The parliament decrees Armenian as the official language of the
January 19- The Allies de facto recognize the Armenian Government.
January 31- In Alexandrapole, with a big celebration, the first Armenian
University opens its doors. The university was later moved to Yerevan.
February- 18 The Armenian Red Cross is established.
March 1- The government allocates 50 million roubles for agricultural
development. For the first time farmers receive exported mechanized farm
April 1- The Azeri Turks attack the Armenian population in the Shoushi
region. Violence erupts between Azeries and Armenians in the Nagorno-Kharabakh
April-May- The Bolsheviks stage uprisings in Armenia.
May 5- Khadisian resigns. The parliament appoints a new government. Armenian
Revolutionary Federation’s Bureau becomes the new government and H. Ohanchanian
as the prime minister.
May- The government suppresses the Bolshevik insurgence.
October 10- Avedis Aharonian signs the Treaty of Sevres.
September 23- Without a declaration of war the Turks attack, starting the
Turko-Armenian war.
October 13- Mr. Lerkan, the soviet representative, arrives in Yerevan and
proposes the following terms.
Consider the Treaty of Sevres non-binding.
Allow the Red Army to pass through Armenia
Allow the Soviet Government to negotiate Armenia’s borders.
The Armenian Government refuses the terms.
October 20-26- Bloody battles over Sourmalia. Under the leadership of Tro,
the Armenian Army destroys the Turks.
November 23- The government of Ohanchanian resigns and after 2 days S.
Vratsian forms a new government.
November 29- With the help of Azeries and the Red Army, Armenian Communists
enter Ichevan.
November 30- On behalf of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government, Mr.
Lerkan gives an ultimatum to the Armenians demanding them to join the Soviet
Union. Talks begin between Tro and Lerkan.
December 2- Armenia is declared a Soviet Republic. In Alexandrapole a peace
treaty is signed between Turkey and Armenia.
December 25- Zankezour, which was saved from the Bolsheviks, declares itself
autonomous under the leadership of K. Njdeh.
Bolshevik suppression in Armenia. Many Armenians, including Hamazasb and
Ghorghanian were arrested and killed in the prisons. L. Shant, Kachaznouni and
other leaders were also arrested.
January 21- Armenian Army officers, around 1200, were exiled to Russia. The
list of exiled officers included Nazarpekian, Siligian, Hakhverdian and Kamazian.
February 8- Saviours of Armenia Committee organizes a revolution against the
April 19- The Trans-Caucasus Communist Committee’s secretary Orchonigitse
prosecutes the Armenian Communists who were the cause for the February
Miasnigian becomes the leader of the Armenian Revolutionary Committee.
May 16- The Moscow Treaty is signed. This treaty gave Gars and Ardahan to
Turkey and Nakhichevan to Azerbeijan. The same day, Soghomon Tehliliran
assassinates Talat Pasha.
October 13- Soviet Armenia and Turkey sign the Gars Treaty which was a
slightly different version of the Moscow Treaty.